school of sacred self care

Reconnect & Reignite

Find your purpose and reach your potential with powerful mindset and spiritual coaching.

Reconnect to your true self and reignite your joy for life.


Are you ready to explore past and present behaviours to reclaim balance in your life?

Discover simple tools and techniques that will shift your mindset and guide you along a new path

that feels truly aligned with your core values.

Does your day-to-day life lack direction? Or are you feeling increasingly unfulfilled?


Perhaps you repeat the same patterns in life and face the same challenges again and again. Or maybe the stories you learned in childhood are having a negative influence in your life. 

Perhaps you’re moving through each day feeling inadequate or anxious, desperately trying to get life 'right'.

Bring purpose back into your life!

I’m here to ease those feelings and help you tune in to your internal voice so you can become your truest self. Together we can rebuild and strengthen parts of you that have been smothered and suffocated for too long.


The stories you are telling yourself have come from somewhere else. Friends, family members, work colleagues, partners. But you get to choose and control the inner thoughts that fuel your everyday life.


Lets find the gold in your challenges. Because there's always learning to be found. Lets gently move from a victim story to a narrative that propels you forward.


Trust me, when you focus on the learning, transformations happen.


The good news is you’re reading this page, which means you’re already looking for help. I’m here with the tools and techniques to support your mindset and spiritual growth in a genuine way that get results.

Now is
Your Time

In my signature program, Reconnect & Reignite, we’ll work together over 3 months. The program includes weekly sessions which can take place in person or online, with tasks to do in-between to deepen the transformation.

Looking for connection along the way? We will have a private messenger group for further support and engagement.

We will progress the 4 key phases of my Sacred Self Care system which includes:

• 1 - Understand and unlock. Discover who you really are and what your ideal life looks like so you can create success and happiness on your own terms.

• 2 - Release and rewrite. Review your expectations of what success looks like and release any beliefs that no longer feel aligned to how you want to live.

• 3 - Connection and clarity. Create and define the person you want to become and set out a compelling plan for your vision.

• 4 - Power and purpose. Step into your truth embracing and owning who you are without apology and discover how to live intentionally so you can consciously carve out your future.

It takes time to show up in life as your authentic self. In this program we will bring together your feminine and masculine energies. We will explore the logical aspects of your behaviour and discuss the expectations placed on you by other people.


Using meditation and visualisation exercises we will create a gap, that allows you to start hearing your own intuition again. Once you are aligned with your intuition you can step out of self doubt and overthinking into greater clarity and freedom.


Together we will challenge ideas and stories that you’ve been told in the past to ensure your internal narrative is strong and steady. You’ll also learn the techniques and practices needed to support yourself after the program.

as seen in

I'm Rachel

I’m Rachel, a Transformational Life Coach and Sacred Self Care Practitioner.

I help women put the purpose back into their life, because when we're at the point of wondering 'is this it?’, we’ve typically gone off track somewhere.

I used to live my life in fear of what others thought. A teen Mum at 16 and again at 18, I was on a mission to prove people wrong. Fast forward to a degree, a high-level corporate job and a traditional picture of success.

But when I had a near death experience when pregnant with my fifth child, I realised that life had a greater purpose. That my skills were needed to guide women along a path towards greater happiness and freedom.

I’ve gone from struggling and homeless, crippled by fear and judgement, to helping women connect to themselves using tried and tested meditation and coaching techniques.

Client testimonials

emily land

“I can't thank you enough! You have truly helped me tap into that part of me that I wasn't listening to and it's opening up so many doors'”

Vikki happi

“Rachel provides a truly non-judgemental and loving space in which to work. Rachel has opened the door and has guided me towards the path to becoming my authentic self.”

victoria c

“I’d like to start by saying thankyou Rachel…thankyou for having the courage to follow your life's purpose to create a safe and nurturing space for women to find their own true essence.”


3 mth Payment plan at £457 per mth available

secure your spot and book your first session with a £97 deposit



How much is the program?

The current price is £1297, or £457 per mth for 3 mths


How do I book? 

Use the booking links above to pay your deposit and secure your place. After booking you’ll receive all the information you need to get started plus a link to my calendar to book your first session.


The Results

Results are very personal as we are all on a different journey, but after participating in this program you will have all the tools and resources you need to support your own journey back to your true self and your inner wisdom.


What happens at the end?

My goal is to help you develop your self awareness and self trust so you can lay the foundations for a life that truly fits you. After this program you’ll feel light, free and ready to approach life on your own terms.


How are the sessions delivered?

We can work together in person, online, or use a mixture of the two.

Reclaim your story with guided support

Rewrite your success story

During this program I'm right by your side to answer questions and help you work through the process. Together we will rewrite your definition of success. Success does not mean you've got a car, a house, money or holidays.

find fulfilment

Success is an internal feeling. So step off the conveyor belt, ignore those external measurements of achievement and trust in a new feeling of fulfilment.

embrace your new empowered self

I believe that we're all on a consistent journey of evolution and development. That’s why, in this program, I teach the exact techniques I used in my own healing journey. Some of these conversations might feel hard, but ultimately your heart will feel lighter and you’ll be empowered to take control of your own life.

Did you know that the biggest regret of the dying is not living a life true to them?

this is not a dress rehearsal…your soul has chosen this lifetime…its your time to step into your full potential

as seen in